oh yea before i begin this post i want to tell you that my english is not really good, im just trying something a little bit different and new to this really unimportant blog.
and, for today post im going to post about ''4 awesome things in indonesia''
So without further a do, lets check it out.
1. The Ocean.

Who doesn't know about indonesia Wonderful Ocean? If you don't know anything about indonesian ocean, let me say to you my friends. You Are a Dumbass..
Indonesia is the country that has the most Beautiful Ocean in the world (Emm.. maybe)
oh yea the picture above is ''Raja Ampat'' One of the beautiful Ocean in indonesia. #yeaah
2. The Food
Who doesn't like to eat? everyone in the world loves to eat, especialy people like me that have a strong Stomach that always hungry haha.
and For your information one of the indonesian cuisine is becoming the most delicious food in the world and it was called by ''RENDANG'' yeah if you really love to eat you should really tries indonesian cuisine
3. The Language
Indonesian is the only Nation in the world that have a Billion Language, we have Javanesse language, Banjarnesse language, Sundanesse, And The New Breed ALAYnesse.
Yeah i love indonesian because indonesian is totally awesome and really-really cool tho,
(i Don't really know what to talk now i just got a weird ass blank in the head)
4. The Culture
As a 100% indonesian i Have to Review about this one , Who doesn't know that indonesian is the number one country that has a Thousand Of diffrent Culture.
as i say indonesian have a plenty of culture, that we should be really proud of it.
Okay, maybe this is the end.
oh yea im really sorry that my english is really teribble and i misspelled some of the words in this post, but don't blame me and don't hate me im just trying something a little bit diffrent..
So thats it for my totally unimportant post see you guys in my other post,
(FYI: this is the first time and probably going to be the last time im going to post in english XD)
okay see you brochacos..
ada yang kurang......... indonesia punya para koruptor yg super awesome....
ReplyDeleteWahh bener aku lupa.. --''
DeleteAlaynese! Hahaha... Language is a part of culture, actually.
ReplyDeleteAsik, postingannya pake bahasa Inggris. Hahay...
wooo iya dong kasih nilai berapa nih bahasa inggrisnya?
Delete85 deh. Hehe...
DeleteWooohhoooo Gak remedi dong?
wooow salah satu postingan dengan bahasaa inggris.
ReplyDeletesaran buat bahasa inggrisnya: engga semua istilah bahasa indonesia yang cocok secara harfiah diinggrisin ;3
wohoo, disa unjuk kebolehan dalam berbahasa inggris hahaha
ReplyDeletedi tengah mempromosikan negara masih aja ya ngomentarin kaum kaum alay hahaha
waaahh Disa buat postingan bahasa inggris.. keren euuyyy.. aku aja gak berani buat postingan english.. walaupun artinya aku gak ngeh banget tapi agak sedikit konenk ngelihat gambar-gambarnya dan baca judulnya... oia aku pernah nulis postingan tentang Indonesia khususnya yang nomor 3 itu yup yup Indonesia emang kaya bahasa mulai bahasa jaman daholoee,, sampai bahasa keAlayaaann hehe
ReplyDeleteBrochacos itu apa? ._.
ReplyDeleteWhoaa, tapi keren! (y)
aku jadi kepingin kutan cobain posting with english, haha :D
anyway, ocean itu dulu 'mantan' nama pena aku loh, waktu masih ababil :p
sekarang? Malah saudaranya, labil :p
berarti aku awesome yah? :3
Brochacos itu bahasa spanyol artinya saudara laki2 ya kaya bro gitu deh
Deletega usah keder. kamu selangkah lebih maju daripada yg ngga berani posting pake inggris (termasuk aku).
ReplyDeleteI Love Indonesia,
SIPP bro..
Deletemaknaya miss word diadakan di Indonesia. keren deh pokoknya. :)
ReplyDeleteburu-buru buka kamus..artinya apa yaa??hehe :D